What you need to know about the Venezuela Regional Crisis


Why are people leaving Venezuela?

Widespread violence and economic turmoil is driving millions of Venezuelans to seek better lives across the region. While the reasons, patterns and consequences of migration are diverse and complex, too many vulnerable children are at risk.

Are Venezuelan children and families displaced?

Over 3 million Venezuelans have been displaced outside their country. Nearly 300,000 children have fled the homes and lives they once knew. It is estimated that the number of Venezuelans fleeing their country is expected to reach 5.3 million by the end of 2019.

Where are Venezuelans going?

The largest number of displaced Venezuelans – 1.2 million – are in Colombia. That number is expected to more than double by the end of 2019. It is projected that 1.3 million migrants will be in Peru by the end of this year.

What are Venezuelan migrant children’s lives like in Colombia and Peru?

Once in Colombia, most Venezuelan families live in desperate conditions. Many sleep in the street or abandoned buildings or informal camps. The conditions are unsanitary and can lead to disease.

The emotional wellbeing of children who have fled Venezuela, sometimes alone, is of great concern. Boys and girls whose education has been disrupted are in danger of falling behind in school and never catching up again.